Try as you might, you can’t avoid me. All you have to do is go to Facebook or Twitter and… BAM… there I am. Or there I was, at least. The date was Thursday, April 2nd, and the social media sphere erupted with shouts of “Twitter Power 3.0!” Welcome to the second part of my “Behind-the-book-launch” series. In part one, I set the stage by sharing how we prepared for the launch. In this part, I’ll tell you what I observed on launch day. A couple hundred of my friends and peers had received review copies, and some choose to write a review on I was glad to see that the book was resonating with people. The day started early with photos of peers holding my book popping up on Facebook. Each one came with some sort of personal recommendation and a link to Many also used the hashtag #twitterpower. It was a great start to the day. We scheduled the Thunderclap to hit at Noon ET (9 am PT), which would automatically send tweets out from the 218 people who said they would share our tweet. The reach of this broadcast was to be over 7,000,000 people. And thunderous it was! Over the course of the day, and well into the next two days, social media truly BLEW UP with photos, posts and shares of Twitter Power 3.0. If you were following me or any of the people who were sharing, it was impossible to avoid seeing the book, my name, a link to the site or the #TwitterPower hashtag. The tweets just kept coming! The photos were fantastic, featuring many familiar faces in a variety of poses. There were the standard “I’ve got Joel and Daves’ book” photos. Then there were the “This is so good I’m stunned!” pictures. Next we had the “I’m hiding behind the book” shots. Some thought their pets would consume the material and share the information with them. Some got particularly creative with their photos. And others misunderstood the correct way to consume the information. Then there was one whom without the proper placement of the book I would not be able to share on this blog. Jason Moffat’s photo got more attention than anyone else’s, netting a ton of likes, comments, shares, favorites and retweets. You’ve got to admire his courage Here’s a montage of some of the photos that were posted. And here’s a link to a Facebook album which contains many more. It was impossible for me to keep up with all the posts. It was a great problem to have. As the day went on, I watched the rankings, which are updated hourly. There are millions of books on, so when your book moves into the zone of being in the top 10,000, you know it is selling. Every hour, the ranking went up. Higher and higher with each social share that put my name and book in front of anyone who happened to be even remotely connected to me on Facebook and Twitter. As the book edged into the top 1000 books shortly after noon MT (cause Denver is the center of my universe), I was excited to see just how high it would go. One week later, people are still posting photos and sharing the book on social. And in the final part of this series, I’ll reveal where the book peaked, the estimated sales results and my personal perspective on what it all means. If you’ve got a friend who is an author, engaged in social media or just would find this interesting, please click one or more of the SHARE buttons located at the top of the entry! Of course, I welcome your comments in the form below. Coming soon, Part 3: The Aftermath