Twitter Power 3.0 Now Available!
It was May 2007 when I signed up for Twitter. My first tweet was much like most first-timers. In 2008, with approximately 5000 followers to my name (that was a lot back then!) I was approached by...
View ArticleThe Truth about Social Sharing (or What I Learned from My Book Launch)
For many authors, a book is the end-all-be-all in their career. They want nothing more than to see their work published and to stand back while the royalties flow in. The sad truth is that the vast...
View ArticleLaunching a Product with Social Media Shock and Awe
If you are writing a book, you are working hard to create something that will bring value to others. You may be writing to inform, inspire or entertain, but odds are you are fully vested in your...
View ArticleYou Can’t Avoid Me
Try as you might, you can’t avoid me. All you have to do is go to Facebook or Twitter and… BAM… there I am. Or there I was, at least. The date was Thursday, April 2nd, and the social media sphere...
View ArticleSocial Media Shenanigans Meetup 2 with Chris Brogan
You know those moments when you are so excited that you don’t know where to start? This is one of those times. Last Friday, I was privileged to host my second meetup in Denver, called Social Media...
View ArticleThe Top 5 Worst Kinds of Facebook Posts
Facebook is a fantastic tool for engaging with others and building relationships. I know SO many more people in real life because of it. Whether I’m connecting with family, rediscovering old friends,...
View ArticleYou Never Forget Your First Time
Memories. They are all we collect of the experiences in our lives. And boy, does life go by quickly! The most memorable experiences tend to be of the first time we did something. First steps. First...
View ArticleTEDxMileHigh 2015 – Ideas Unbridled
In the past ten years, I’ve spoken at more than 200 events around the world. I lost count a long time ago. Few things are more exciting, fun and powerful than getting on stage in front of any audience...
View ArticleThe Future is Yesterday
At IBM Social Business’s #NewWayToEngage event in San Diego a few months back, I had the opportunity to deliver an Ignite Talk alongside a number of other VIP Influencers. A 5-minute talk consisting...
View ArticleTop 8 Social Media Sites of 2015
If there’s one thing that never changes in the social media world, it’s that change is inevitable. New sites appear faster than popcorn popping in a microwave. Many of them disappear into obscurity...
View Article22 Tips for a More Useful Facebook Feed from Robert Scoble
With over 1.4 billion users around the world, Facebook is the 800 lb. gorilla of social media. They’ve done an incredible job of creating, maintaining and growing a tool that allows us to engage with...
View ArticleFacebook Live Streaming is Here…. and it’s VERY good
I’ve been streaming live video online since 2008, when I first started using But with the rise of mobile and social media, streaming has grown up considerably. And the last few months have...
View ArticleFacebook Closed My Account… Again
I’m not the first person it’s happened to, and it’s not the first time it has happened to me. But nevertheless, it did happen a second time. Back in 2009, Facebook closed my account because I was at my...
View ArticleChris Brogan Talks Business
Chris Brogan has to be one of the most genuine people I have ever met. Authentic, raw and with true concern for seeking others succeed, Chris’ content is among the most solid that I have found in the...
View ArticleHow to Use Instagram to Grow Your Brand
Instagram is one of the hottest social networks on the planet. And marketers who understand how to leverage this visual powerhouse can use it to build relationships, generate leads and move traffic. In...
View ArticleMari Smith Shares Facebook Strategies
More than 1.5 billion people now use Facebook. That’s more than the population of most countries! Anyone in business would be foolish to ignore the impact that Facebook is having. That’s why it is...
View ArticleThe Great Social Media Sabbatical of 2015
As many computers and devices as I’ve owned in my life, you’d have thought my mother’s umbilical cord was actually a fiber optic cable jacking me directly into the matrix. As many hours as I have spent...
View ArticleTop Five Ways I Engage Others on Facebook – Episode #4
When choosing a primary social media platform, no two individuals or brands are going to have the same experience. We all vary in how useful we find each site. It think it’s important that use of...
View ArticleTop Five Reasons to Take a Social Media Break – Episode #5
Social media has become such an integral part of our lives that it has changed how we engage with one another. Tweets, status updates, sharing photos, liking, commenting and sharing have become a...
View ArticleTop 5 Reasons I Am Trying Snapchat – Episode #17
A number of my friends have told me that I am missing out by not using Snapchat, so I decided to give it a try. In this episode of The Top 5 Scope, I share my top 5 reasons for doing so. Do you...
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