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What Social Media Looks Like

I recently had the opportunity to deliver a Twitter Power 2.0 presentation at EventTech, an Event Marketer conference providing people in the event industry with the latest trends in technology. My 45-minute presentation was initially going to illustrate the latest Twitter fails produced by some big brands. But something funny happened the night before. I accidentally deleted my presentation! As soon as I had realized what I had done, I had to laugh. I had been working on the presentation for the past couple days, and I’d spent hours pulling together some great stuff. In just a moment it was all gone and I was unable to recover the keynote document. So I did what any respectable speaker would have done when it came time to deliver my talk the next day… I winged it! I took questions from the audience, which naturally unlocked key parts of what I wanted to say anyhow. So the content managed to surface and several people told me that they found my talk highly valuable. But that’s not the best part of this story. EventTech hired a woman named Stephanie Crowley to come and do live graphic murals of several presentations, and mine was chosen to receive the treatment! I don’t know how to explain what Stephanie does except to use this paragraph direct from her website, Chrysalis Solutions… During my 45-minute session, Stephanie extemporaneously sketched, colored, illustrated and shaded the concepts I was discussing. The result was an incredible gift that I had never before received! The mural captured key elements of my talk, including concepts of authenticity, relationship, bringing value, hiring the right people to manage your campaigns, and more. Stephanie is a talented young lady, and her deliverable is one-of-a-kind. Since I didn’t have a Powerpoint presentation (a blessing in disguise), her work provided a fantastic visual for those who were at my session. They saw the concepts visually manifest before their eyes. Truly remarkable stuff. This is a thumbnail of the image which was drawn on a VERY large paper canvas. Click the image or the link below to see the full-sized image. Click here for the full-sized image Your comments are welcome and invited! Please use the form below and share your thoughts.

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