The Problem with Social Media – The Joel Comm Show Episode #12
There’s a major problem inherent in all the primary social media sites, and it’s paving the way for a new giant to emerge in the space. In this episode of The Joel Comm Show, I explore the weaknesses...
View ArticleLori Ruff – The LinkedIn Diva – The Joel Comm Show Episode #13
Is social media really complicated or is there a basic foundation that anyone can build upon? In this episode of The Joel Comm Show, I speak with my special guest Lori Ruff, the LinkedIn Diva. A Forbes...
View ArticleAlejandro Reyes – Get Internet Famous – The Joel Comm Show Episode #14
Very few people were talking about Twitter in 2007. In this episode of The Joel Comm Show, Alejandro Reyes and Joel recount a meeting that took place in 2007, when Twitter had just implemented a search...
View ArticleWhat Social Media Looks Like
I recently had the opportunity to deliver a Twitter Power 2.0 presentation at EventTech, an Event Marketer conference providing people in the event industry with the latest trends in technology. My...
View ArticleThe Social Media Solution
How often should you tweet? How many times per day do you need to post on Facebook? Which sites are the most important? Does Klout matter? And how can I get it all done? Is social media overwhelming...
View ArticleFatherhood, Films and Tech – The Joel Comm Show Episode #17
What makes a social media expert? Is it as simple as having a Facebook or Twitter account? Whether or not you are an expert, in all likelihood you have a great tip to share with the world! In this...
View ArticleWhere You Need to Be in 2014 – The Joel Comm Show Episode #18
Once you know your stuff, it’s not what you know but WHO you know. And in the age of socia media and online communication, never before has it been so important to get away from the computer screen and...
View ArticleWhen Social Media Becomes Too Social – The Joel Comm Show Episode #19
What do you do when someone you don’t know wants to connect with you on social media? Do you let them in the front door or do you build a relationship slowly? In this episode of The Joel Comm Show, I...
View Article5 Ways to Fail on LinkedIn
LinkedIn is a core part of my social media strategy. Well, I say strategy, but what I really mean is I like using it. A few of the things I enjoy most include: The ability to connect with more than...
View ArticleDenver Business Journal calls Joel Comm Leading Social Influencer in Colorado
In years past, the ability to influence large groups of people was something held by those in powerful positions. Politicians, journalists, celebrities and the wealthy had the means and the platform to...
View ArticleFacebook vs. Google Plus – Which is the Better Social Network?
Approximately three years ago, Google entered the social media scene with a service that many thought could be the Facebook killer. Given the name Google Plus, or G+, the service integrated the Google...
View ArticleThe World’s Top 50 Social Influencers of 2014
Lists… lists… lists. Everyone is making lists. And among the social media elite, it’s always nice to be mentioned on someone’s Top 10, Top 50, Top 100 or Top “whatever” list. After all, if someone else...
View ArticleI Hid Every Ad on Facebook for 48 Hours. What Happened Next Will Blow Your Mind!
Facebook. The time suck of all time sucks. A recent study revealed that the average American spends 40 minutes each day checking their Facebook news feed. Since I work at home, I weave Facebook...
View ArticleUltimate Mastermind Summit
Joel will speaking on the topic of social media for business at this 3-day event in Chicago, IL. Joel and the other world-class speakers will be sharing their very best business and personal strategies...
View ArticleInternet Domination Boot Camp
Hosted by PILMMA, the Personal Injury Lawyer Marketing & Management Association, the Internet Domination Boot Camp features a number of speakers over a 3-day event taking place Sept 19-21st. From...
View ArticleSocial Poetry – How to Engage on Social Media with Photoquotes
Many years ago, I stated that Twitter is the “water cooler of the 21st century.” It is the place where we gather to discuss whatever is on minds… which includes anything and everything! Expand that...
View ArticleTop 10 Predictions for 2015
Here we are again, on the verge of a new year. It’s the time when all the pundits whip out their telepathic thinking caps (TTC) and prognosticate about the year that is to come. As I walked down the...
View ArticleMy Week without Facebook
Social media has become an integral part of my daily life. Like millions of others, I confess that I am guilty of checking in on my Facebook friends regularly throughout the day. Seeing what others are...
View ArticleSocial Media Shenanigans with Ted Rubin
The best things in life are often the things you didn’t see coming. That’s why I was thrilled to receive a message from my friend Ted Rubin a few weeks back, telling me that he was coming to town to...
View ArticleTwitter Increases Tweet Character Limit, Breaking Long-Standing Tradition
It had to happen. In fact, I was just talking about this the other day when I spoke at Social Media Marketing World 2015 in San Diego. Since Twitter launched in 2006, the microblogging social media...
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