Many years ago, I stated that Twitter is the “water cooler of the 21st century.” It is the place where we gather to discuss whatever is on minds… which includes anything and everything! Expand that philosophy to the entire social media sphere and you’ve got millions of discussions taking place at the same time. The role each of us play is essential because we’ve all got something to say. We all have the opportunity to bring value to the conversation. That value can come in many forms including inspiration, information and entertainment. Whether your use of social media is to discuss issues of the day, bring happiness to those around you or share a good laugh, it’s all an important part of the ongoing dialogue that never ends. I’m a big fan of using images to communicate with others. And by putting a thought of mine on those images in text form, I am creating something new. Many people share images with their quotes or quotes of others. I call them “photoquotes” and I believe they are powerful. In fact, I find that the photoquotes which I post are amongst the most shared, commented and liked. Here are two samples that proved to be quite popular when I shared them across my social profiles. Over the past couple years I’ve created dozens of photoquotes which have been widely shared. That’s why I have compiled my most popular inspirational, educational and humorous photoquotes into a brand new book titled: “Social Poetry: Boosting Engagement and Encouraging Conversation by Using Inspirational, Educational and Entertaining Photoquotes” Each of the fifty-five photoquotes in this book stands on its own, but I have included a brief commentary to explain the story behind each image I created and shared. It’s a behind-the-scenes look that I think you’ll really enjoy. The book is available for any Kindle reader, which means you just need either an Amazon Kindle OR the free Kindle software for Android, Apple devices, PC or Mac. Go grab your copy of Social Poetry now!