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Top 10 Predictions for 2015

Here we are again, on the verge of a new year. It’s the time when all the pundits whip out their telepathic thinking caps (TTC) and prognosticate about the year that is to come. As I walked down the aisles of Wal-Mart a few days after Christmas, I found one slightly worn TTC left on the shelf. So I bought it at 80% off and put it on my head. Suddenly, I was having visions of the year to come. It would be criminal for me to not share these predictions with you, as I’m 100% certain that none of them may actually come to pass. And those that do will have likely been blatantly obvious to all. With the stage set, here are my Top 10 Predictions for 2015 1) Facebook isn’t going away Despite the negative backlash which Facebook gets from time to time, they will continue to reign in the world of social media. It’s going to take a far bigger fiasco than privacy concerns for there to be a mass to exodus. It is more than a social media behemoth. Facebook is a ubiquitous part of the fabric of our daily lives. Sure, there are those who never use it but no other site in the entire history of forever has such global mass adoption. It’s here to stay. Get use to it. 2) The New Social Media Leaders Two groups of people will rise to the top of social media, and thus, to a place of authority. The first group are those who stand out by either having the courage, talent or stupidity to go against the grain and do something different. It could be something remarkable designed to change the world or it could be more in line with pure silliness that goes viral. But getting attention in our world is very difficult to do. Those who aren’t afraid to take risks and stand out, whatever form that takes, are those who are most likely to be seen and heard in a noisy world. The second group are those who are not afraid to be who they are. People are looking for leaders. And these people may not win a nobel prize or go viral with a video of their juggling cat (hey, it could happen), but their ability to connect with others will continue to profoundly affect the lives they touch. Those who pursue their passion with an authentic blend of talent, skill, ability and personality have the best shot at becoming the leaders of tomorrow. 3) The power of the printed word remains. While ebooks now account for 25% of all non-fiction purchases of books, a physically printed book still carries exponentially more authority. There are two reasons for this in my mind. The first is that anyone can publish an ebook with relative ease, but it takes far greater effort to become a published author with a physical book. More significant though is the perception which a printed book creates in all our psyches. We all are taught that the printed word carries authority by parents and/or teachers when we are little. Many of us had the opportunity to visit the library to check out books. We discovered that between the covers of these word-packed tomes were the keys to wisdom and knowledge, if not outright entertainment and pleasure. I believe this notion is deeply embedded in us and that there is just something special about a physical book. Those who wish to lead and become seen and known as the recognized expert in their arena would do well to pursue the goal of a traditionally-published book. I put my money where my mouth is with this one. Twitter Power 3.0 will come out in March 2015 and I’m working on two other titles that will likely see the light of in the same year. 4) The advances in technology will outpace people’s ability to adapt to it The amount information that is available to us is staggering. Not only is content being produced at a rate that completely dwarfs what was the norm even five years ago, but the options for what we can do with a microchip are finding us smack-dab in the middle of the future which the films we grew up with predicted. Yes, artificial intelligence is here and robots will soon be part of our daily lives. Don’t believe me? Ask Siri. However, I don’t think we as a people are quite ready for the rapid changes that are coming. We are change resistant in many ways, and the continuing loss of privacy combined with handing over jobs, and some daily activities, to robots, will undoubtedly be daunting and frightening to many. Some tech will be thrust upon us, whether we like it or not, and others will be optional for the time being. But like it or not, the future is here. 5) The Apple Watch is no big deal Out of all my predictions, this may be the one that may have me eating my words a year from now. But I just don’t see the fuss about the Apple Watch, or any of the smart watches for that matter. I stopped wearing a watch a few years ago. My iPhone knows what time it is and I merely need to look at it to acquire this information. It manages my calendar, sends alerts and does everything else I need a watch to do. So now I need to wear something on my wrist that does everything a watch can do… and makes phone calls? Isn’t that what my phone is for? I’ve been a fan of Apple since the beginning of time. I’ve even got an Apple IIe computer in my collection. And I think initial sales of the Apple Watch may meet estimates simply because it is an Apple product. Let’s face it, Apple could release a fart app and people would buy it… (he said with a smirk and a not-so-subtle […]

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