As many computers and devices as I’ve owned in my life, you’d have thought my mother’s umbilical cord was actually a fiber optic cable jacking me directly into the matrix. As many hours as I have spent on the web and checking email, you might think that my last name should really have been “Com” and not “Comm.” And as many times as I have posted, tweeted, shared, liked, commented, favorited or retweeted on social media since 2007, some could make the case that I eat, drink and sleep social media. The fact of the matter is, I am highly connected. And I love it! I love how technology enriches my life. And more importantly, I love how social media connects me with others in a truly meaningful and significant way. What would I do if I wasn’t able to engage with my family, friends and associates via Facebook? How will I know what is happening on Blab if I am not there to participate? I have a feeling the world will keep turning without me. But what might I learn about myself from orchestrating such an exercise? In the twenty years I’ve been doing business online, I think I have fully unplugged for just a few one-week periods. As of Thursday, September 17th at noon, I am planning to do something I’ve not done before. I’m going dark on social media AND in my business. No Facebook, not even to look. No Twitter, with notifications completely turned off. No Google Plus, as if anyone cares! No Instagram, though I suspect I will be taking plenty of my photos on my iPhone still. No Blab, Periscope, Meerkat or Live for Facebook mentions live-streaming. I won’t be broadcasting and I won’t be watching. AND, get this, NO email! Not only do I intend to experience a time without social, but I will be unavailable for business opportunities. My VA will be monitoring everything and will contact me should there be a significant opportunity. (I don’t like turning away $10,000 keynotes, even for an important experiment such as this!) The question has been asked, where I am going? That’s not the point. Whether I stay at home or travel, I will still have the opportunity to connect to the web from wherever I am. Whether a staycation or globe-trotting, the greatest challenge will not be finding a way to connect. The challenge will be staying disconnected. And so, while I will be using my phone for calls and text messaging to keep up with those closest to me, I will not be found in the social space until the first week in October, date TBA. You’ll know I’m back when I pop in and say “Hey, I’m back! Didja miss me at all?” During this time, I will be using my iPad to play games. But more importantly, I’ll be documenting my time away. I want to share the feelings and thoughts I have as I feel the urge to connect, but choose not to. I want to share the discoveries I make along the way and to find out if I am missing something for all the noise. I’ll be back. There is much sharing to do. There is much Blabbing to do. And there is much connection that will continue to take place. But I expect to come back detoxed, with a renewed sense of direction. This is not goodbye. It’s “See you soon.” Do Good Stuff! Joel